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Dead Girls thinspo #1

February 4, 2011
Dead Girls thinspo #1


Empy stomach, perfect soul.

February 4, 2011
Empty stomach, perfect soul

i dont need it, i'm in control
i dont give in, i don't look down
I'll lose the weight, I'll shed the pounds.

I'll wake up tomorrow, I'll be fine
It may be insane
to stand in the freezing cold, naked,
just to make sure
that the measurement is right.

It may be insane
to cry myself to sleep because my thighs touch,
even though I've lost 3lbs this week
over the ammount I should.

It may be insane
to starve myself to death,
to want so badly to be thin,
but I cant stop myself.

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March 19, 2010

Lesley Lawson
(n. Neasden,
Londres, 19 de septiembrede 1949) es una supermodelo, actriz y cantante inglesa. Conocida popularmente como Twiggy, se convirtió en un ícono de la segunda mitad de los años 1960, incluso fue nombrada como "el rostro de 1966" por el periódico inglés Daily Express.

Desde la quinta y hasta la novena temporada, participó como jurado del reality show America's Next Top Model.

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89 Reasons 2/4

March 17, 2010
21. Fat people make their country look bad.
22. Fatty areas stretch and sag as you get older.
23. Food is mean and sneaky. It tricks you into eating it and it works on you from the inside
out making you fat, bloated, ugly and unhappy.
24. Food rots your teeth.
25. Guys will be able to pick you up without struggling.
26. Guys will want to get to know you, not laugh at you and walk away.
27. Have you ever seen a person NOT notice a walking skeleton.
28. Hunger is your friend and it won't betray you lik...
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89 razones para no comer hoy 1/4

March 16, 2010
1. A todos los chicos les gustaras
2. Cualquiera puede tener belleza interior, pero solo unos pocos pueden tenerla dentro y fuera.
3. Donde sea que vayas, siempre seras la mas delgada
4. Bailarina o ballena?
5. La gente hermosa es adorada, y la fea ignorada.
6. Personas gordas sudan mucho y apestan
7. .Los atracones lastiman el estomago y lo estiran, entonces para que comes?
8. Los huesos son limpios y puros. La grasa es sucia y se pega a los huesos como un parasito.
9.La celulitis no adula a nadie
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89 Reasons Why You Must Not Eat Today 1/4

March 16, 2010
89 Reasons Why You Must Not Eat Today

1. All of the guys will want you.
2. Anyone can have "inner beauty" but few can earn real beauty, inside as well as out.
3. Anywhere you go you will be the thinnest.
4. Ballerina? Or beanbag?
5. Beautiful people are adored and ugly people are ignored.
6. Beauty Queen? or Dairy Queen?
7. Big people sweat more and they smell bad.
8. Binges harm your stomach due to stretching. Why eat at all?
9. Bones are clean and pure. Fat is dirty and hangs on your bones like a pa...
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Scene Thinspo # 3

March 16, 2010

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Scene Thisnpo

March 15, 2010

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Clip: Welcome To the Quiet Room

February 22, 2010

Muchos han sido los largometrajes que a lo largo de la historia han recreado el interior de un centro psiquiátrico: desde Alguien voló sobre el nido del cuco hasta Inocencia interrumpida, o la más próxima en el tiempo y de reciente estreno en la cartelera española, Soy un cyborg, del coreano Park Chan-wook. Suzuki Matsuo, tomando como base su propia novela de título idéntico, recrea el itinerario de una periodista adicta al alcohol y a los estimulantes en un centro psiquiátri...

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Pelicula: Malos Hábitos

February 22, 2010
Pelicula mexicana sobre desordenes alimenticios. Presenta varios casos, todos entrelasados. Director: Simon Bross.

Parte 2
Parte 3
Parte 4
Parte 5
Parte 6
Parte 7
Parte 8
Parte 9
Parte 10
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